News & Announcements

Plan for Returning to School

The following plan has been developed to give students and parents an idea of what to expect when we return to school on September 7, 2021. Our guidance is structured to follow the mandates of Governor Edwards. We will update information as it becomes available. New information will be highlighted in yellow.

Current State Mandated Guidelines

Face Masks
Face masks are optional for students and staff, but are “highly recommended” by the Louisiana Department of Health.

DWCS contracts with Union Parish for bus services and all required protocols will be followed by DWCS students. According to the governor’s proclamation, masks must be worn on all public transportation.

Current School Guidelines

On-Campus Learning
All students will be on campus 5 days a week. We believe this option is the most effective method. This allows students to have more interaction and dialogue with teachers and other students. This evidence-based data is from the Louisiana Department of Education.

Virtual Learning
Virtual learning will not be offered for the 2021-2022 school year unless school is closed by Governor Edwards. Distance learning will be offered for students that may become quarantined.

When to Stay Home

  • Students who are ill should stay home regardless of symptoms.
  • Fever of 100.4 requires students to stay home or be picked up from school.
  • Students and employees must be fever free 24 hours before returning to campus no matter the illness.

Quarantine for Exposures to COVID-19

  • Parent choice allows the student to remain in school following COVID-19 exposure. Students can remain in school as long as they are symptom/fever free. If a student comes to school with symptoms of COVID-19, he/she WILL be sent home for testing or quarantine, to be chosen by the parent. Masks are required for 10 days following exposure to remain on campus. Symptom monitoring is crucial in this choice.
  • Students and employees who are up to date on COVID-19 vaccination are not required to quarantine, but must wear a mask for 10 days. Recommendation by Louisiana Department of Health is to have a COVID-19 test on day 5 or if symptoms develop.
  • Students and staff should wear a mask until day 10 on campus regardless of vaccination status.
  • School nurse should be notified.
  • Close contacts who were previously diagnosed with COVID-19 within the last 90 days and remain asymptomatic do not need to quarantine but must wear a mask for 10 days.

Isolation for Positive Results

  • Students and employees should isolate at home for 5 days upon testing positive for COVID-19.  Students and employees may return on day 6.
  • Day 1 is the day after the actual test date or the day symptoms begin.
  • Symptoms must have improved and no fever for 24 hours
  • Return with mask requirement for additional 5 days
  • School nurse should be notified.

Cleaning and Hygiene
Enhanced cleaning protocol is being followed allowing for extensive building cleaning and disinfecting throughout the day and in the evenings. Classrooms and shared spaces will be deep cleaned and disinfected daily. Commonly touched items, such as door handles, handrails, sink handles, common tables, surfaces, and elevator buttons will be disinfected multiple times throughout the day.

Water Fountains
DWCS has installed water bottle refilling stations in each hallway.

Breakfast and lunch will be free for all students for the 2021-2022 school year. Students will dine in the cafeteria.

Phone number: (318) 368-8051
Web address:
Facebook: D’arbonne Woods Charter School

Kindergarten-12th Grades

9560 Highway 33
Farmerville, LA 71241

Fax: 318-368-8258

Copyright © 2025 D'Arbonne Woods Charter School

Title IX Coordinator: Doug Postel (
Public Custodian of Records

No person shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, age, marital status, disability, political or religious beliefs, national or ethnic origin, or sexual orientation be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity, or in any employment conditions or practices conducted by this School, except as provided by law.

REPORT SEXUAL HARRASSMENT - Contact DWCS Human Resources Department at 318-368-8051 X 6018.

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