News & Announcements

DWCS Plan for Reopening Schools–Updated Weekly

The following plan has been developed to give students and parents an idea of what to expect when we return to school on September 8. Our guidance is structured on the phases of reopening Louisiana, as it is determined by Governor Edwards. We will update this plan weekly as information becomes available to us. New information will be highlighted in yellow.

Phase 1

  • Distance Learning for all students
  • A combination of virtual learning and packets will be used to accommodatestudents based on their needs
  • Assignments will be mandatory, and grades will be assigned according to the amount/quality of work completed in a timely manner

Phase 2 (Current)

  • Maximum Group Size-25
  • Bus Capacity-50%
  • Students on-campus 5 days/week; virtual learning will be allowed forstudents with internet access
  • All personnel and students in grades 3-12 must wear face covering to thegreatest extent possible and practical within the local community context;masks optional for students in grades K-2
  • Face coverings must be a solid color. Writing/images are limited to student initials, name, and/or school logo. Materials may vary, but they must be appropriate for school and effective for minimizing the spread of germs. (2-3 ply cloth mask) Administration has the final say over what is deemed appropriate.
  • The following may not be worn:
  • “Gaiters”
  • Bandanas
  • Scarves
  • N95’s or KN95’s
  • Mask with valves
  • Wet or soiled masks

Phase 3

  • Maximum Group Size-50
  • Bus Capacity-75%
  • Students on-campus 5 days/week; virtual learning will be allowed forstudents with internet access
  • All personnel and students in grades 3-12 must wear face covering to thegreatest extent possible and practical within the local community context;masks optional for students in grades K-2
  • Face coverings must be a solid color. Writing/images are limited to student initials, name, and/or school logo. Materials may vary, but they must be appropriate for school and effective for minimizing the spread of germs. (2-3 ply cloth mask) Administration has the final say over what is deemed appropriate.
  • The following may not be worn:
  • “Gaiters”
  • Bandanas
  • Scarves
  • N95’s or KN95’s
  • Mask with valves
  • Wet or soiled masks

On-Campus Learning

We believe this option is the most effective method, because it allows students to have more interaction and dialogue with teachers and other students. In order to reduce close contact between students, parents are encouraged to provide their own transportation during this pandemic. However, buses will be available for those who do not have access to personal transportation.

Virtual Learning

For those students who do not feel ready to resume on-campus learning, we will offer virtual learning under the following conditions:

  • Internet access is required; DWCS may provide devices, such as MiFi or hot spots, for those who do not have internet, but have cellular service
  • DWCS will provide a Chromebook for each student to use; students will be responsible for taking care of any school-issued equipment
  • Students must make a 9-week commitment at the beginning of each 9-week grading period
  • Some courses will not be available to virtual learners due to the nature of the courses’ instruction and assessment (i.e. Ag, Welding, Band, Choir, etc.)
  • Students will be required to log on to each class daily; attendance will be taken electronically
  • Students who have health issues or live with someone who has health issues are encouraged to consider virtual learning during this pandemic


DWCS will comply with BESE, Louisiana Department of Education, Louisiana Department of Health, and CDC guidelines in order to maintain a safe and sanitary learning environment. These guidelines are subject to change as more information becomes available.

The following information is provided to help parents decide if on-campus learning is the best option for their children:

  • Students will be seated at least 6 ft. apart in the classroom to the greatest extent possible
  • Static groups will be used when possible
  • Masks are required for students in grades 3-12. Students with breathing difficulties are not required to wear masks as long as they have written verification from a doctor or physician
  • Students who have COVID-19 must stay home and remain isolated until they have recovered and been determined to no longer be infectious by their doctor; recovery must be verified by a doctor’s note prior to returning to school
  • Parents will be notified of a positive case in their child’s class if their child was deemed to be within 6 ft. of the infected student for 15 minutes or longer; these students are considered to be close contacts
  • Close contacts will be asked to stay home for 14 days to monitor symptoms
  • A student who lives with someone who tests positive for COVID-19 must self-quarantine for the duration of the illness and 14 days after the infected person has been deemed well
  • Students who are sent home to self-quarantine will be expected to participate in virtual learning until they can return to campus

Cleaning and Hygiene

Cleaning Protocol
Enhanced cleaning protocol is being followed allowing for extensive building cleaning and disinfecting throughout the day and in the evenings. Classrooms and shared spaces will be deep cleaned and disinfected daily. Commonly touched items, such as door handles, handrails, sink handles, common tables, and surfaces, and elevator buttons will be disinfected multiple times throughout the day.

Disinfectant will be provided in each classroom. Students and teachers will be responsible for cleaning their desks and chairs prior to occupying their seats. Teachers will limit the number of objects handled by more than one person and are responsible for cleaning any instructional materials they are providing that will be used by someone in the class. Furniture with soft and porous material will be removed from classrooms and common spaces. All cleaning products will be centrally purchased and meet CDC guidelines and be FDA approved.

Washroom use will be limited to approximately one-half of the fixtures to provide for social distancing. Those waiting to access bathroom facilities must socially distance per provided signage. Hand driers located throughout our schools will be disconnected, and paper towel dispensers will be available instead;

To further decrease the number of surfaces that individuals will touch when entering/leaving a bathroom, all multi-stall bathroom doors will be propped-open throughout the school day. Additionally, large waste baskets will be added to all bathrooms to accommodate the anticipated increased use of paper towels, and custodial personnel will be monitoring bathroom cleanliness on a more frequent basis.

Water Fountains
The use of water fountains will be limited to the refilling of water bottles.

Similar to our learning spaces, cafeterias will be set up with all required social distancing protocols in place as well as proper sanitizing between groups of students. Students will be served lunch in the classrooms or inside with proper social distancing. Arrangements will be made for students to pick-up lunches for virtual learning.

DWCS will contract with Union Parish for bus services and all required protocols will be followed by DWCS students.

Facility Rentals and External Activities
In an effort to minimize the spread of COVID-19, school facilities will not be accessible for non-school activities. Additionally, rental requests for future dates will not be considered at this time.

2020/2021 DWCS Meal Service Plan

On-Campus Students
Breakfast will be Grab-and-Go. All grades.

  • Stations set up at the 3 entry points to offer packaged, reimbursable breakfast with minimal contact.
  • Stations will be set up and marked to assist with social distancing.
  • Required USDA signage will be visible at all stations.
  • No-touch badge scanners for student to scan badge. Students without their badge will state their full name to be entered into Point of Sale.
  • Breakfasts will be taken to the classroom to eat.
  • Trash cans specifically for meal trash disposal will be present in each classroom and custodial staff will collect this trash after each meal.

Lunch will be eaten in the classroom. All grades.

  • Teachers will take lunch orders with attendance.
  • Packaged, reimbursable lunches will be packaged per classroom and delivered to the classroom at the appropriate time.
  • Teachers will mark students who received a lunch on their classroom’s barcode sheet.
  • SLA will enter students who received lunch.
  • Trash cans specifically for meal trash disposal will be present in each classroom and custodial staff will collect this trash after each meal.

Virtual Students
Packaged, reimbursable meals can be picked up by parents or designated guardian. This differs from the SFSP in that only registered students of DWCS will receive meals.

  • Parents will register to pick up meals for their students on Mondays (2 days of breakfast and lunch) and Wednesdays (3 days of breakfast and lunch).
  • Parents will be required to fill out the consent form supplied by CNP each time they pick up meals for their students.
  • A station will be set up at the front of campus for a period of 1 hour on Monday and Wednesday for parents/guardians to drive through and pick up meals. Tables and signage will be displayed to assist with social distance and minimal contact.

Phone number: (318) 368-8051
Web address:
Facebook: @DWCSTimberwolves

Kindergarten-12th Grades

9560 Highway 33
Farmerville, LA 71241

Fax: 318-368-8258

Copyright © 2024 D'Arbonne Woods Charter School

Title IX Coordinator: Doug Postel (

No person shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, age, marital status, disability, political or religious beliefs, national or ethnic origin, or sexual orientation be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity, or in any employment conditions or practices conducted by this School, except as provided by law.

REPORT SEXUAL HARRASSMENT - Contact DWCS Human Resources Department at 318-368-8051 X 6018.

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