News & Announcements

Updated Covid Guidelines
The following guidelines have been adopted by Louisiana Department of Health, the CDC and will be implemented by D’arbonne Woods Charter School.
Isolation-when individual has tested positive for Covid 19 or symptomatic person with COVID 19 compatible symptoms. At least 10 days and at least 24hours fever free and symptoms are improving.
Quarantine-when individual are exposed (close contact) to someone that is Covid 19 positive. Quarantine starts after your last exposure (contact) with infected person.
Changes to Covid-19 positive cases and isolation – No changes; continue to follow present guidelines
Changes to Covid-19 quarantine for close contacts – In an effort to reduce absences, quarantine as a close contact now has another option if no symptoms are present:
Option 1 – Does not require a negative covid-19 test Quarantine 10 days instead of 14
- No covid-19 test required
- Return to school on day 11 after exposure
- Close contacts must wear a mask through day 14 (K-12 No Exceptions)
- If a mask cannot be worn, quarantine should be 14 days
Extended QuarantineQuarantine 20 days or longer depending on situation
When living in same home with Covid positive individual
- Must quarantine for the duration of the Covid positive individuals 10 day Isolation period.
- You may begin your 10 days of quarantineonly if the person with COVID is fever free and symptoms have improved over the last 24 hours and they have completed their 10 day isolation period.
- If any symptoms arise during Quarantine your time may be extended further.
At any time during Quarantine if you are REEXPOSED to Covid then your Quarantine time will restart.If you become sick or develop any COVID 19 compatible symptoms your Quarantine time will change.Please Contact School Nurse to discuss any changes or questions concerning your Quarantine.
(ii) Any quarantine period begins the day after last exposure to an infected individual during the period of infectiousness. If an infected individual is unable to isolate from household contacts while they are infectious, the quarantine period for household contacts begins the day after the infected individual meets end of isolation criteria (Louisiana Dept of Health and CDC 12-7-20)
Kindergarten-12th Grades
9560 Highway 33
Farmerville, LA 71241
Fax: 318-368-8258
Copyright © 2025 D'Arbonne Woods Charter School
No person shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, age, marital status, disability, political or religious beliefs, national or ethnic origin, or sexual orientation be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity, or in any employment conditions or practices conducted by this School, except as provided by law.